Prayers - The path to empowerment, intimacy and peace
A) Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation
The Visitation
Luke 1:39-56
39 In those days, Mary set out and journeyed in haste into the hill country to a town of Judah 40 where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb. Then Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42 and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 43 And why am I so greatly favored that the mother of my Lord should visit me? 44 For behold, the moment that the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leaped for joy. 45 And blessed is she who believed that what the Lord has said to her will be fulfilled.” 46 And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. 48 For he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant; henceforth all generations will call me blessed. 49 The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. 50 His mercy is shown from age to age to those who fear him. 51 He has shown the strength of his arm, he has routed those who are arrogant in the desires of their hearts. 52 He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly. 53 He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty. 54 He has come to the aid of Israel his servant, ever mindful of his merciful love, 55 according to the promises he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.” 56 Mary remained with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned to her home. *(NCB)
Pick any one Reflection below for Meditating this Decade:
A) TRUE CHARITY [Read verse 39 above] Mary's journey likely spanned 130-150km and took between 3-5 days either by walking or caravan. Bear in mind that Mary was herself pregnant when she made the journey to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
Meditation: Do we go in haste to answer the needs of our family or friend, despite challenges to our situation?
B) SPOUSE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT [Read verses 40-45 above] Just as Mary brought Jesus to Elizabeth, she bring us to Jesus as can be seen from the many Marian apparitions happening throughout history. Millions of conversions have come about through these apparitions up till this very day. Truly as Jesus says in Mt 7:17 "...every good tree bears good fruit..." *(NCB) When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, she was filled with the Holy Spirit. And John the Baptist was cleansed of original sin in her womb. Come Holy Spirit! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse!
Meditation: If St Peter and St Paul can bring the Holy Spirit to the brethren in their preaching, what more the mother of Jesus!
C) EXALTED IDENTITY OF MARY [Read verses 43-45 above] "Why is it granted me that the mother of my Lord should come to visit me?" Elizabeth while being filled with the Holy Spirit gives witness and recognized the significance of who Mary is!! She is the Mother of God, of Immanuel who was to come.
Meditation: In scripture the identity of Mary is revealed to us. From the time St Gabriel greeted her with "Hail! Full of grace! the Lord is with you.",*(NCB) to the witness of Elizabeth, to St John the Apostle who wrote of her in Rev 12 (a woman, clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars), to the veneration taught by the Catholic Church right up till today. Let us pray for a deep love and gratitude for our Mother. Just as St Maximilian Kolbe said "Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You could never love her more than Jesus did."
D) GRATITUDE THE PRECURSOR TO JOY [Read verses 46-55 above] in Mary's Magnificat, we witness how even in their poverty of the family (offering 2 turtle doves in the Presentation at the Temple), Mary was aware of all the countless blessings God had lavished upon her in her life. To be spiritually rich is infinitely greater a blessing than any material wealth. Gratitude is the precursor to any joy in our lives.
Meditation: Despite any challenges I may face currently, what are some of the blessings that I have been oblivious to in my life? Lord give me a grateful heart today.
E) GLORY TO GOD NOT SELF [Read verses 46-55 above] in Mary's humility, she rightfully attributes all glory to God and acknowledges all the great things he has done for her. He increases while she decreases.
Meditation: Taking the example of Mary, how can I, in words or action, give all glory to God when others speak well of me?
F) [You may use the above reflections or when praying as a family or group come up with your own! Have one family member read a part or the entire scriptural passage above that strikes them (1 or 2 verses is just fine). Listen with an open heart as this person shares his/her thoughts or insights. A family praying the rosary together is a graced-filled way to foster spiritual growth and bonding together.]
Birth of Jesus
Presentation at the Temple
Finding of our Lord Jesus
*See Copyrights & Permissions for Scripture quotations used.
Image credit : Dummies Guide
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